KMC, in conjunction with Dungowan Community Groups, is planning the Dungowan Village Fair and Old Machinery Exhibition on Sunday 30 September 2012, which is the Sunday of the October long weekend. The exhibitions will be set up on the Saturday afternoon, to be ready for the show on Sunday morning with the gate opening at 9am.
The event will be held at the Dungowan Recreation Reserve and the day will comprise of a motor show and vintage machinery exhibition as well as other attractions.
There will be vintage and working tractors, stationary engines, vintage and classic cars, bikes and trucks. There will also be community stalls, activities for the kids, art & craft stalls and horse drawn machinery exhibitions. Ploughing will be a feauture of the planned activities. A parade of cars, trucks and tractors will also take place around Dungowan. One of the confirmed art & craft stalls is Dendi's Hand Crafted Wooden Toys from the Hunter Valley, see details about their range on their website here. Another attraction will be wood turning demonstrations by KMC member Gordon Vidler. Read about it here and see some images of Gordon's work.
Dungowan Recreational Reserve provides an open, picturesque setting with adequate camping diversity to suit those who wish to camp or caravan, including power sites. There will be food and refreshments available.
Admission is by gold coin donation for adults, and kids are free.